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Tempel will participate in CWIEME Shanghai

Tempel will participate in CWIEME Shanghai

Tempel will participate in CWIEME Shanghai June 2023 20.06.2023/TEMPEL/ SWEECC
Activity|2020 Tempel Changzhou Quality Theme Month Successfully Closed

Activity|2020 Tempel Changzhou Quality Theme Month Successfully Closed

In today's highly developed economy, quality is efficiency, quality is life. Only with high-quality products to meet customer’s demand, that is possible to expand market share and improve the…
Crisis and Opportunity|Tempel (Changzhou) First Quarter Employee Meeting

Crisis and Opportunity|Tempel (Changzhou) First Quarter Employee Meeting

With the effective control of COVID-19, Tempel (changzhou) employees are returning to normal work and life gradually. On May 15th, 2020, Tempel (Changzhou) held the First Quarter Employee Meeting in…
Enhance the capabilities of middle management, cast mainstays in Tempel Changzhou!

Enhance the capabilities of middle management, cast mainstays in Tempel Changzhou!

In order to better improve the overall management level of the enterprise, meet the strategic needs of the enterprise, improve the capacity of employees, build the atmosphere of learning-oriented…

Tempel (Changzhou) Stand Together to Fight 2019-nCoV

This winter is a little cold, as the 2019-nCoV is rampant in China. This smokeless war affects the hearts of every Chinese. But to welcome the coming spring, Tempel(Changzhou) has taken actions to…
Visit Our Booth D22B at CWIEME Shanghai 2019

Visit Our Booth D22B at CWIEME Shanghai 2019

Visit us at booth D22B at CWIEME Shanghai scheduled for March 26-28, 2019. At the booth you can meet our team of experts, tell us your toughest lamination challenges and discuss solutions with us.…
Tempel Changzhou Opens State-of-the-Art Automotive Focus Factory

Tempel Changzhou Opens State-of-the-Art Automotive Focus Factory

Tempel Steel Co., a leading independent manufacturer of precision magnetic steel laminations for motors, generators and transformers, has announced a new dedicated state-of-the-art facility on the…

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