Erfahren Sie mehr über eine Karriere bei Tempel
Karriere bei Tempel
Bei Tempel sind wir überzeugt, dass Menschen unser größtes Kapital sind, daher stellen wir sie bei allem, was wir tun, in den Mittelpunkt. Wir halten uns an die Philosophie der goldenen Regel, die vom Gründer der Worthington Industries erstellt wurde: Wir behandeln unsere Mitarbeiter, Kunden, Lieferanten und Aktionäre mit dem gleichen Respekt und der gleichen Würde, mit der auch wir behandelt werden möchten. Unser Team genießt eine wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung, Programme zur Mitarbeiterentwicklung und über dem Marktdurchschnitt liegende Sozialleistungen mit einmaligen Vergünstigungen, wie die Erstattung von Studiengebühren und ein umfassendes Wellness-Programm. Wir sagen nicht nur, dass wir Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellen, wir tun es auch.
Wir halten unser Erbe in Ehren und übernehmen Verantwortung für unsere Zukunft.
Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran, die Erwartungen unserer Kunden zu erfüllen.
Wir strengen uns an, um die besten zu sein.
Wir sagen was wir meinen und tun, was wir sagen.
Zusammen gewinnen wir.
Ein Team, ein Traum!
Warum bei Tempel arbeiten?

Wir stellen unsere Mitarbeiter in den Mittelpunkt
Entdecken Sie einen Arbeitsplatz, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, Ihre Karriere zu beginnen, weiterzuentwickeln und voranzutreiben. Indem wir unseren Mitarbeitern eine wettbewerbsfähige Vergütung, Entwicklungsprogramme und umfangreiche Sozialleistungen und Vergünstigungen bieten, schaffen wir einen Arbeitsplatz, an dem sich jeder entfalten kann.
- Alle Vollzeitbeschäftigten haben am ersten Arbeitstag Anspruch auf medizinische Versorgung
- Studiengebühren werden nach einjähriger Beschäftigung gewährt
- Umfangreiches Wellness-Programm mit Herausforderungen und Preisen

Beginnen, entwickeln und treiben Sie Ihre Karriere voran
Sie verdienen mehr als einen Job. Sie verdienen eine Karriere, die sich lohnt. Bauen Sie Ihre Zukunft bei Worthington Industries auf, wo wir den Erfolg unserer Beschäftigten mit kontinuierlichen Weiterbildungs- und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten fördern:
- Praktikumsprogramm
- Arbeitsplatzrotation und Entwicklungsprogramm
- Entwicklungsprogramm für operative Führungskräfte
- Military-Skill-Bridge-Programm
Zusammen gewinnen wir.
Aktuelle Stellenausschrei- bungen anzeigen
Quality Manager
Purpose of The Job
Establish and implement systematic quality management within the organization and maintain continuous effectiveness and efficiency, ensure effective ...
Tooling Engineer
Process Engineer
Controls Engineer
Quality Engineer
Purpose of The Job
Be responsible for New project/part quality and mass production process quality control, APQP and PPAP submit/customer claim handle. ...
Steel & Tooling Purchasing Manager
Purpose of The Job
Responsible for the integration and optimization of steel and die procurement activities; this position will be deeply involved in developing the steel ...
Apply Today
Quality Manager
Purpose of The Job
Establish and implement systematic quality management within the organization and maintain continuous effectiveness and efficiency, ensure effective control of processes, and maintain evidence of continuous meeting of internal and external requirements, ultimately ensure product quality, and continue to enhance customer satisfaction and trust.
Job Summary and Primary Functions
1.1Establish and develop quality team continuously, meet and support the company's long-term business development;
1.2.Implement the policy system in quality department, and carry out activities legally;
1.3.Ensure the company’s goal system is implemented in quality department and go tracking;
1.4.Improve communication between the supervisor with subs and with the lateral departments, contact with headquarters personnel to obtain support;
2.1.Establish and continuously improve quality system (IATF16949. VDA6.3) ;
2.2.Lead the quality planning in earlier stage of project ;
2.3.Deal with IQC, IPQC, OQC and customers’ feedback;
2.4.Planning and management of lab and measure tool;
2.5.Establish DCC and manage company’s control document;
2.6.Improve quality and enhance customer satisfaction continuously.
The following competencies are generally prescribed by Tempel expected from the candidates 1.Full time bachelor degree or above, major in machinery is preferred;
2.At least 10 years working experience in mechanical industry, stamping industry experience is preferred;
3.Have a basic understanding of the influence of motor and materials on its performance;
4.Be familiar with quality system, quality analysis improvement tools and measurement system analysis, have strong practical experience in quality management, and be able to guide subordinates to work professionally;
5.Good at time and task management;
6.Lead the team independently to complete the work, and proactively obtain resources to achieve business objectives;
7.Be able to effectively communicate with internal and external members of the organization, customers and suppliers.
Minimum Qualifications
Language: fluent English
Computer: Skillful Excel, word, PPT
Other requirements: IATF16949/FMEA/PPAP/APQP/SPC/Mintab
Work Environment and Physical Demands
Internal contacts:all cross functional dept. head
External contacts:Customer, Supplier, Third party audit agency, headquarters and brother company, etc.
Tooling Engineer
Process Engineer
Controls Engineer
Quality Engineer
Purpose of The Job
Be responsible for New project/part quality and mass production process quality control, APQP and PPAP submit/customer claim handle. Process/production/customer audit and action follow up/ process change verification/ scrap rate analysis/QCH Management.
Job Summary and Primary Functions
1.Work with project team during the new project/parts launched. Prepare PPAP doc and define the inspection with Customer and coach QC according to inspection WI;
2.Coordinate for Customer PPAP/ISIR, and prepare PPAP submission;
3.Define the inspection with customer and coach QC according to inspection WI;
4.Lead team to handle the internal process and customer claim quality issue, quickly response to customer and check the effective of action. QCH area suspect parts evaluation;
5.Regular do the LPA, process and production audit, and Work with potential and existing customers to conduct audit;
6.Other relevant tasks arranged by superiors for achieving company’s objectives.
The following competencies are generally prescribed by Tempel expected from the candidates
1.College degree or above, mechanical major is preferred;
2.Familiar with basic mechanical knowledge, such as mechanical drawing reading ability and measuring skill of line position tolerance; 3.Familiar with the application of five quality tools and techniques, understand the basic requirements of IATF;
4.Good communication and ability to work under pressure;
5.Good English ability is preferred.
Minimum Qualifications
Language: Written English
Computer: Skillful Excel, word, PPT, Minitab
Other requirements: APQP/PPAP/SPC/FMEA/MSA/IATF16949/VDA6.3&6.5
Work Environment and Physical Demands
Internal contacts:Manufacture/Tooling Engineering/ Tooling Maintenance/ME
External contacts:Customer SQE
Steel & Tooling Purchasing Manager
Purpose of The Job
Responsible for the integration and optimization of steel and die procurement activities; this position will be deeply involved in developing the steel purchasing strategy to better leverage the global suppliers of electrical steel. Additionally, this position is responsible for taking on activities to help increase efficiencies and enhance results in demand/supply forecasting, inventory management and related general purchasing.
Job Summary and Primary Functions
1.Establishes processes consistent with the divisional needs and corporate strategy that enable the success of selected strategies to ensure a robust and flexible supply of raw material and die to meet the division’s customer requirements.
2.Ensures the execution of mill orders comply with overall supply strategy and optimize the inventory availability while minimizing the impact on working capital.
3.Develops goals, objectives, strategies, and metrics that support the divisions and corporate initiatives and ensure they are monitored and reported to the Senior Leadership Team at regular intervals.
4.Works closely with other departments to improve execution across all facets of purchasing and the supply chain.
5.Works closely with Quality and Technical resources to find improvements in our qualification process and manage supplier activities to ensure a comprehensive and well communicated trial process.
6.Works with Operations, Quality and Technical resources to ensure our claims process is thorough, quick, and efficient.
7.Accountable for owning and continually improving all Purchasing related processes.
8.Works closely with Sales to refine and improve the forecasting process to improve accuracy and investigate missed forecasts so adjustments can be made to minimize inventory build ups.
9.Works with all purchasing resources to develop and implement a supplier scorecard process so suppliers are aware of their performance and have objective feedback to continually improve their overall performance around quality, delivery, and service to all Tempel divisions.
10.Regular marketing analysis to identify the price trend, track the price gap between spot/future and make decision properly.
11.Maintain good relationship with all the mills.
12.Performs other duties as assigned.
The following competencies are generally prescribed by Tempel expected from the candidates
Language: Fluent in both written and oral English
Computer: Oracle experience is preferred
Other requirements:
1.Working knowledge of steel mills and mill capabilities
2.Experience in the development of a strategic supply plan
3.Working knowledge of electrical steel properties and characteristics
4.Experience planning and executing strategy in a Steel sourcing function
5.Experienced in manufacturing processes and material flows in the supply chain
Minimum Qualifications
Language: fluent English
Computer: Skillful Excel, word, PPT
Work Environment and Physical Demands
Internal contacts:all cross functional dept. head
External contacts:Steel Company and the related tooling Supplier, etc.
Technische:r Instandhalter:in – Schwerpunkt elektr. Anlagen
- Regelmäßige Wartungsarbeiten an den Maschinen und Anlagen im Presswerk
- Fehlersuche und Beheben von Störungen an Produktionsanlagen, Pressen, Fördersystemen und Automatisierungstechniken
- Reparaturen an Anlagen und Maschinen
- Reparatur und Austausch von defekten Bauteilen oder Komponenten
Erforderliche Qualifikation:
- Erfolgreich abgeschlossene Ausbildung als Mechatroniker:in bzw Elektroniker:in für Betriebs- oder Automatisierungstechnik oder vergleichbar
- Industrielle Automatisierungskenntnisse (SPS) von Vorteil
- Erste Berufserfahrung wünschenswert
- Bereitschaft zum Schichtdienst
- Selbständiges Arbeiten
- Kommunikations- und Teamfähigkeit
Überzeugt Sie das auch?
Rund 120 Mitarbeiter: innen sind gemeinsam für den Erfolg der Tempel Steel Europe GmbH verantwortlich und bringen unser Unternehmen jeden Tag ein Stück weiter voran.
Tempel fördert aktiv die Vielfalt und Gleichstellung aller Mitarbeitenden. Wir begrüßen deshalb Bewerbungen von Menschen aller Nationalitäten, Religionen und Weltanschauungen, sexueller Orientierungen und geschlechtlicher Identitäten, sowie aller Altersgruppen und mit und ohne Behinderungen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre vollständige Bewerbung, die wir gerne persönlich oder per Mail entgegen nehmen werden.
Salome Reinhard
Equal Employment Opportunity
Tempel is committed to the principles of equal employment opportunity and Affirmative Action. It is the obligation of each officer, manager and supervisor to ensure all employment activities are conducted in an equal and equitable fashion without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability, or veteran status. Such activities include, but are not limited to: hiring, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, advertising, layoff, discharge, rate of pay and selection for training.
Start Your Career with Us
If you’re looking for an opportunity but don’t see an opening for you, or if have any questions about a career at Tempel, get in touch with our team through our contact form.